MP Moran and Sons is a family run builders and plumbers’ merchant with 2021 marking the 45th year of trading from the first year of opening its doors with the first Branch in Kilburn to current day with over 300 employees working throughout 5 branches strategically positioned supplying in excess of 22,000 products throughout London and Hertfordshire.
Throughout this time of expansion, we have recognized and placed great emphasis on how key transport is within our organization to achieve many more successful years ahead. The expansion of our Watford depot being key to this by catering for our own business needs both through greater stock holding and in-house purpose-built mechanics workshop to help cope with the needs increasing within our transport fleet.
We heard about FORS originally through requirement from enquiries from certain clients who would enquiring which FORS standard our fleet were as this is needed as requirement for entrance onto many sites in central London. This is when we investigated and realized FORS standards perfectly aligned with our ethos as a business. We understand the responsibility that we undertake as an operator to our staff and all other road users and members of public alike and are fully aware that the decisions we make not only have an environmental impact today but also for many years to come. As a company we know how important is to keep running costs down whilst maintaining a safe and efficient fleet and therefore the standards that FORS uphold make it a perfect match for our needs as a business to grow successfully.
We have been a proud member of FORS since 2014 when we achieved FORS Bronze progressing to Silver in 2015 and Gold in 2016 where we have strived to ensure we maintain this level. This is currently our fifth year operating at the highest standard and it has considerably boosted our reputation in the industry along with increasing our client base. Customers and members of public can see that health and safety as well as compliance is a priority for us and by means of us showing our accreditation proves how important we take our responsibilities within transport.
Since joining the FORS scheme we were able to take advantage of the excellent benefits such as E-learning and classroom training for drivers and transport staff. We have found the Safe Urban Driving (SUD) modules a great help as this has given all of our staff a greater knowledge than they may have had before as it has highlighted implications from their actions on other road users .Having our drivers do this ensured that their road safety knowledge is of the highest standard and safety procedures that we expect of our staff whilst working for MP Moran is priority, keeping them and members of public safe at the same time.
We have also found Toolbox talks key as drivers can come together and we can put ideas out between each other to find the best results for not only the business but also the industry that we work in.
Dan Murphy, Head of Transport & FORS Practitioner says:
‘Although most drivers have been skeptical of at first, the Safe Urban Driving modules have given our drivers a greater awareness of hazards and perceptions then they would have previously had as they are seeing their roles and actions from a different view which in turn has helped minimize Road traffic Accidents in our case’.
Krystian Lisowski, Transport Manager & FORS Practitioner says:
‘With the everchanging demands within the transport industry and progressions in technology we have made improvements in many areas such as defect reporting via Truckfile using handheld terminals, on board cameras, vehicle tracking systems all giving us data required at the touch of a fingertip from vehicle routes and mileage covered all the way through to accident investigation. This hand in hand with constant training offered by FORS has been our recipe for success’.
Although PCN’s per 100,000 kms has increased from 2019 to 2020 deliveries completed also increased which our analysis demonstrates is a contributory factor. However, this is something that we are aware of we will be providing additional training. We have seen very pleasing results in the past years both in reduction in accidents and fuel usage while at the same time achieving more deliveries and expanding our client base. This is due to the ongoing training by means of FORS E – learning and toolbox talks encouraging us to always be analyzing and making improvement where possible.
Incidents per 100,000 Kms | CO2 | NOx | PM10 | Number of PCNs |
Proportion of fleet that uses alternative fuels |
Year 1 | 7.42 | 3.89 | 937.8 | 1984 | 36.2 | 93 | 0% |
Year 2 | 7.92 | 2.24 | 836.4 | 1770 | 32.3 | 117 | 0% |
Year 3 | 8.72 | 3.40 | 683.7 | 1447 | 26.4 | 93 | 0% |
Percentage improvement | +10% | -15% | +18% | +18% | +18% | +20% | 0% |
Driver health and fitness review – All drivers can notify of any changes in health at any time via our online Health and Safety portal, if there are any changes made, we are notified immediately so can take appropriate action, we also carry out six monthly health declarations and eyesight checks ensuring that we always uphold legal requirements and that all drivers for the company are fit to carry out their activities.
- Recruitment of drivers – P Moran and Sons understand that the drivers are representing the image of the company daily, to achieve the best level of expertise within our industry we always encourage progression from within, especially in the current climate with shortages on skilled transport staff. We feel this has worked for MP Moran due to the high levels of staff retention, 58% of our drivers have been working with our company for 5 years or more, the longest serving member currently being 35 years.
- Noise assessment – All of our drivers have been briefed on our noise policy , as some of our yards are surrounded by residential housing we ensure where possible noise pollution is kept to a minimum, including unnecessary engine idling in yards, we encourage drivers to only start engines when ready to start their journeys, also when arriving at site to switch off engines where possible and refrain from using horns and where necessary switching reverse alerts on fitted vehicles onto hush mode where terms have been posed by councils for deliveries to take place with consideration of neighbouring residents.
- Modal shift and alternative vehicles – We constantly monitor progression within the industry with regards to different types of fuel to power vehicles and reduce our carbon footprint but at this current stage these have not been viable.
We have continued to update our fleet and replace older vehicles in scope with a further eleven new 4.5 tonne vehicles on order and due to come later this year. We have ensured that all the required vehicles have been equipped with the latest safety technology including camera systems, close proximity sensors and direct vision panels to ensure safer day to day operations.
We have and will continue to place great emphasis on monitoring and improving procedures within the transport operation with MP Moran and feel that our journey through the process has been greatly rewarding with the help and support of the FORS scheme constantly encouraging our workforce to be the best they can be.
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FORS members’ feedback questionnaire
Please could you take the time to complete a short questionnaire and provide feedback about FORS. Please note all answers you provide will be strictly confidential and will only be used by FORS to help us to improve the scheme. To access the survey, please click the link here:
*Please note: All published FORS Gold case studies have been submitted by the accredited company named above and transcribed verbatim