Coldman Haulage Limited is a franchised haulier with Tarmac Limited. Coldman Haulage has been trading as a sole company for thirty one years the  last six years as a limited company.  The company have always worked under contract to Tarmac Ltd as a haulier based at Pump Lane Hayes Middlesex, the company is involved in all aspects of road construction and delivery of aggregates. Paul Coldman is the Managing Director of Coldman Haulage. Coldman Haulage have focused on reducing fuel consumption through the e-learning available on the FORS website, including the LoCity driving this also leads to a reduction in the CO2 emissions, NOx and Particulate Matter emissions. We are proud to confirm that we have maintained a perfect safety record and have not encountered any transport related fines this has been maintained through the education, monitoring and driver awareness. The Covid pandemic caused disruption originally to the business however given swift action from the Government and Tarmac Ltd administration this disruption was minimised, and Coldman Haulage managed to work through all the challenges and changes smoothly.

As a franchisee with Tarmac we were educated about the benefits of the FORS scheme and how it would support us in achieving best practise as a business but also the benefits for our driver employees. On completing the FORS practitioner modules it gave me as the MD a better understanding of my business.

Coldman Haulage initially obtained Bronze accreditation on their first audit application, going through the process helped us to develop further best practise in the running of the business, managing our drivers and training through logical steps. This provided a sound platform from which to build and improve on.

As mentioned above after achieving the Bronze accreditation it demonstrated a logical framework in which I could manage all aspects of my business.  Achieving the Bronze also motivated me to apply for Silver, which I passed on my first application and became the first franchisee in the Pump Lane Hayes unit to obtain FORS Silver. The Key benefits realised since obtaining FORS for my business have been; Performance Management, Safety Controls, the e-Learning available to me and my workforce.

“Working for Coldman Haulage I am encouraged to raise my awareness of the industry and health and safety guidelines surrounding this business, therefore  I continue to learn and complete the  e-learning courses building on my professionalism.

Sukhvinder Singh

There have been numerous benefits realised as a result of obtaining Bronze and Silver referred to previously, if I reflect on the key changes it is the simplicity and organisation that FORS brings with it that allows me to plan and be proactive that I have really benefited from.  I am now pro-active in the approach to training, validating records of the drivers etc., a calm has been achieved.

“As previously mentioned completing the practitioner modules has further enhanced the overall knowledge of the industry I work in. FORS process has allowed me to gain training and organise my company in a way equal to a larger business. With the support available from FORS it has made the process simple for me and the staff employed as well as improving the professionalism of the drivers”   

– Paul Coldman, Managing Director, Coldman Haulage.

Once we received Bronze and saw the benefits of the initial work we knew that we would go for Silver and then Gold, it was only a matter of time.  The main considerations were the recognition that Gold allows, continued improvements, advice, recommendations and the training material available through the FORS Website and the Tool boxes.

  • We are proud to maintain our zero incidents and PCN record for the sixth consecutive year.

MPG Incidents per 100,000 Kms

Number of PCNs

June 2021 10.7 0 0
July 2021 10.3 0 0
Percentage improvement 3.7% o 0

*Annual improvement in MPG and Incidents per 100,000 Kms

  • All our drivers complete an annual medical declaration even though the FORS standards recommend once every 5 years it is also mentioned in the driver’s handbook which requires the driver to report any changes in health to the company and forms part of their contract. All matters regarding health are investigated and if it was felt the driver was unfit to drive we would require medical confirmation from the driver’s doctor informing us that he/she were fit to drive.
  • Drivers employed are usually via recommendation from within the industry, once recruited the drivers go through an induction and full training programme.
  • Drivers are made aware of the need to limited Noise especially at night, they are briefed and trained I this issue by means of noise policy and noise risk assessments also there is “a keys” out policy when vehicle is stationery and cabs are fitted with night heaters. All maintenance and washing is carried out off site.
  • Unfortunately, there is no alternative fuel vehicle on the market at present that would meet our needs. Our vehicle is a Euro 6 that is more efficient and cleaner running for the environment.

On behalf of Coldman haulage I constantly monitor the market for new technology and vehicles which could potentially be introduced to our fleet to lower CO2 emissions.  The current vehicle used by Coldman Haulage is a 32t Euro6 Scania 8×4

Our aim for the future of Coldman Haulage is to continue to maintain and promote the high FORS standards that we have worked hard to implement.  Continue the investment in our drivers, our vehicles, that will assist in the reduction of Coldman Haulage’s carbon footprint and maintain a positive zero road incident record.

Section 11 – FORS members’ feedback questionnaire

Please could you take the time to complete a short questionnaire and provide feedback about FORS. Please note all answers you provide will be strictly confidential and will only be used by FORS to help us to improve the scheme. To access the survey, please click the link here:

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