Nicole Housh

Mental health charity Mates in Mind are now FORS Associates

FORS is teaming up with mental health charity Mates in Mind to encourage members to prioritise employee mental health as a staff safety issue. FORS members have access to the employer mental health guidance resources offered by Mates in Mind and regular news updates regarding the latest developments in mental health in the workplace. Mates … Read more

Remember to book your training ahead of your audit

In line with the requirement to plan and undertake mandatory training to meet FORS Professional development requirements D4, S5 and G5, please remember to book your training well in advance so you don’t miss out on training dates available in your area prior to your audit. Below is a reminder of the classroom training required, as detailed at Annexes … Read more

Get your in-house training FORS Approved

You can meet the FORS mandatory training requirements by either undertaking FORS Professional training or FORS Approved training. FORS Approved training is training that is developed by FORS members, or FORS training providers who are FORS Associates, against training objectives and learning outcomes set by FORS/Transport for London. If your training is successfully approved by … Read more