FORS Counter Terrorism Toolkit

The FORS Counter Terrorism Toolkit will help you to meet Bronze requirement O7

Bronze requirement ‘O7 Counter terrorism’ addresses the threat of terrorism to vehicles operating in the UK to help raise awareness, security and vigilance across your organisation in order to minimise the risks posed by potential security and terrorist threats and to ensure staff are prepared to deal with extremist and terrorist activity.

Why is counter terrorism included as a requirement in the FORS Standard?

The importance for organisations to address terrorism follows the disturbing rise in the use of commercial vehicles in terrorist-related incidents. With the introduction of this new requirement, FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place.

How do I write a counter terrorism policy and what do I include?

FORS produced a toolkit to help you write an effective counter terrorism policy. The toolkit provides you with all the elements you need to put together a policy and supporting procedures and what you need to do with these. It includes a checklist of the key actions you need to undertake to meet Bronze requirement O7.

Can I have a single policy to evidence both requirements ‘O6 Operational security’ and ‘O7 Counter terrorism’?

You can have a single policy to cover both requirements as these requirements share many overlapping principles, such as vehicle security. However, if you have a single policy, you must state clearly that it covers both requirements.  If you have separate policies, you must ensure they are consistent with each other.

What do I need to do if I am a small operator?

Although encouraged to produce and maintain documented evidence of meeting the FORS Standard, small operators (organisations with fewer than five vehicles and fewer than five employees) can demonstrate verbally that they meet this requirement.

What other resources are available to help me address the threat of terrorism and meet Bronze requirement O7?

There are a number of free FORS Professional documents and training available to support you, such as:

  • FORS Professional Security and Counter Terrorism eLearning module – this was produced in conjunction with a number of parties including Transport for London, the Department for Transport, the Metropolitan Police, High Speed 2 and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency. Although primarily aimed at drivers – this is a mandatory requirement for all drivers to undertake every 24 months – managers are also encouraged to undertake this important module. To access eLearning, click here or you can request group delivery option via the FORS Helpline if online access is difficult
  • FORS Professional Toolbox Talks – there are a number of Toolbox Talks and associated PowerPoint presentations to help you promote your company’s safety, efficiency and environmental culture to your drivers and to help you meet the FORS Bronze requirements, including a Toolbox Talk specifically addressing Bronze requirement O7. To access the FORS Professional Toolbox Talks, click here
  • FORS Practitioner workshops – specifically FORS Practitioner workshop 1 ‘Developing fleet management policy’. To view dates and book a place(s), click here

For general help about preparing for your Bronze audit, check the FORS Bronze Audit Toolkit.


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