FORS Associates and Affinity Partners
FORS Associates and Affinity Partners provide a number of offers and discounts. Click on their logos in the Associates and Affinity Partners grids below to view their profiles and see what offers are available to FORS accredited companies. You can filter on category or search for keywords like 'tracking' to find specific offers and discounts. If you have used any of these companies then why not visit their page and leave feedback about your experience. Click here to view the offers and discounts as a list.
To check out case studies from FORS Associates please click here.
Warning about misuse of the FORS name
It has been brought to our attention that there are a number of organisations that are using the term ‘FORS’ as part of their company name. Please be aware that these organisations have no affiliation with us and do not provide any form of FORS approved services or products.
FORS recognises a number of suppliers and supporters – Associates, Affinity Partners and Pre-audit Service Providers - through our Suppliers and Supporters scheme. FORS Suppliers and Supporters are issued with a FORS ID and are able to make use of the FORS logo. If you want to check whether an organisation is a FORS Supplier and Supporter, and is therefore promoted by FORS, you can search for them below.
Please be aware that FORS will not accept as a FORS Supplier and Supporter any company using FORS as part of a company name.
Affinity Partners
