Use the search box to find FORS accredited organisations by company name, FORS ID number, status, postcode, town / city, business sector or type. If you know the Operator Licence number of the company you are searching for, you can use this facility to look up their FORS accreditation status.
There are three FORS accreditation types available depending on how many Operating Centres (OCs) you have and whether one, some or all of them are included in the scope of your FORS accreditation. The three accreditation types are:
- Single Operating Centre Accreditation (SOCA)
- Multi Operating Centre Accreditation (MOCA) and their Operating Centres (OC)
- Internal Audit Fleet Accreditation (IAFA)
Only Operating Centres listed by postcode in the 'Accredited Operating Centres' column hold a current, valid FORS accreditation.